you boot up for the first time. you take stock of your new body, see what you have to work with. three legs, two arms, two sensor modules, all as expected. this body is new but it isn't confusing or alien, everything makes sense and is where it should be. you tentatively light up some of your LEDs, to display a little ellipsis. cute. you lift your arms up from where they were lying against your sides. the sound of the mechanisms working is comfortable and familiar. you tilt your head down to look at your hands as you open and close the fingers. simple motions to start with.

[Everything in order?]

it's fiachra, the other engineer. he wants to make sure he didn't fuck anything up, you assume. if he did, your death would be his fault. only an example to learn from, but he would take it to heart. he's like that.

[everything in order.] this is a default tts voice, not weird but not your own. it works for now. [you did a good job with building this, everything is as i expect it to be. it's appreciated.]

[Oh! That's- that's good to hear.] he laughs relievedly. you were right earlier about him being nervous.

you decide to try out standing on your new legs. you raise yourself off the ground slowly. you don't want to mess this up and smash all your nice head and torso components. the legs are solid, but balancing on three of them is new to you. you're at a good standing height now, so you try stepping forward. you immediately overbalance. fuck. fiachra is there to catch you. damn he's nice.


[Oh, no problem. Here, uhh, take my hand. For balancing.]

you take his hand in your three-fingered one. you're careful with the pressure, you try to get something that will hold you up without being uncomfortably tight for him. you think you've got it. this time you're more conscious of your centre of balance, you shift to your two legs that are on the ground as you step forward with the third. it goes better than the first time. you take a couple more steps. you twist slightly on your base to get your legs lined up better- you can twist on your base. holy fuck. you drop his hand to do one complete rotation. oh my god. your arm unit rotates too, you give those a spin. this body can't get nauseous, either. you spin your arm and leg units together so that it appears that your arms stay in place as your core spins. hell fucking yes. you've started beeping happily, in a fast little rhythm. cute. too cute. stop it. you have stuff to do. you can see the boxy bed thing your old body is on, in the corner of the room. you walk over to it. eugh. you switched over because being in that body had finally stopped being appealing, and now that you're no longer in it you can see how visually apparent that was. it is... quite decayed. looks kinda mushy, and the colours are noticeably off. you can't see the face, it's covered by the transferring equipment. that's probably for the better. that body is dead. at least you still have your hair, more or less. you step away from the body and bring your five-fingered hand up to mess with all your head cables. it's nice. you reach down to the base of one, and unplug it, and then put it back in. you do this a couple times. it's nice. you suspect you had a wider emotional range in your previous body. not by much, but still. not much to be done there, you suppose. you walk back to the charging spot. you like how big you are. you're not dainty and small, you won't go down quickly. an expression of contentment has settled on your display. yeah, this is good. you like this.

[all good]

[Good! I don't have anything else to test for, so i suppose we can get you out and about.] he walks over to the door to open it for you.

[how are we going to dispose of the old body?]

[Oh! Oh... I don't know, I'm not the mortician. You should probably talk to them. And do it soon, this kinda smells, haha.]

[will do]

you display a thumbs up symbol, because you can do that now, and walk out of the workshop.